
Showing posts from January, 2014

2014 x New Year

2014, I'd be lying if I told you that I'm not terrified of those four numbers. The new year can mean so many different things; new beginnings, false hopes of resolutions and thinking that because it's a new year that everything that happened last year will magically disappear. I always have high hopes for the new year, so this year I decided to make realistic goals! Goals I know I can achieve and be proud of this time next year. Last night we did something really cool that we hadn't before & I wanna share, we wrote on a piece of paper things we wanted to leave in 2013 and right before that clock struck midnight we BURNED them! It felt amazing!! I won't go into detail with some of the things but just to name a few I wanted to leave my laziness, and my constant worrying of the future. This is something that I wish everyone would do, it's empowering. I pray this year is good to me, Last year was rough. Some goals I wanna accomplish are things like: being consis