DIY State Glitter on a Canvas!
Hi Guys so I've been seeing this everywhere and it seemed simple to do so I'm gonna walk you through how I did this! The things you'll need- A canvas, Mod Podge, An outline of your state, a sponge brush, a pencil & GLITTER! Okay so step 1 is trace your state onto the canvas. What I did was on the back off the paper I traced around my state really hard with my pencil, getting as much lead onto the paper. Then I turned the paper (what I just traced facing down on the canvas) and just outlined the state with your pencil pressing really hard and it should transfer! ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤▷▷ Step 2 is take your Mod Podge with a sponge brush and start gluing & putting down glitter! I did little sections at a time It should end up looking something like this when you're done! ▽ Okay so now you have to let it dry for 2 hours! So in the meantime I Watched the Shaytards with milk & cookies :) Okay now back to business! Step 3 is to take so...