So I've decided that I wanna write on here every Friday and talk about scandal that premiered last night! So if you haven't watched it I suggest you watch it before reading this because I may give some things away, no promises. So OMG I've been excited for this season for so long, and this episode was fantastic! So I wanna say it starts off about 6 months after we saw Olivia Pope last, on a plane going only God knows where, and she's living off a deserted island with Jake and now goes by Julia and not Olivia. So weird, I know. That opening scene tho, holy cray was that steamy! Get it Jake! We shortly after finding out where she has been that Harrison has died and she has to go to DC to plan his funeral because he had no family. She finds out everything has changed, her team all went there seperate ways except for Quinn, who actually found Olivia Julia. Huck works at a software repair shop, and Abby works in the white house. SO much is going on inside of the white hou...