
Showing posts from 2018

I've Gained 15 Pounds!?

Working out and getting fit. We all wanna be fit or healthy or whatever it may be but the getting there or even starting is the hard part.  I personally never ever cared about being thin and I still don't but this past year I've gained probably 15 pounds and I'm the heaviest I've ever been. I'm not gonna lie, my confidence is at an all time low and honestly I don't even know how it happened. I mean maybe I do because I don't eat the best, and I only work out occasionally, but I've done that my whole life so why all of a sudden the weight gain? wellll I think it comes down to my metabolism slowing down. I mean I'm not an expert in this so I don't know if that's completely correct, but it's the only thing I can think of. My diet didn't totally change but my job did have breakfast, lunch and snack provided so I found myself over-eating almost everyday so I'm sure that didn't help much either. Anyways back to the point of this who

Music Monday #1

I'm stuck in Atlanta airport. ughhh. So get this, I was supposed to leave at 7:44pm and my flight got delayed to 11pm! 11!! Which means I won't get home till about 3 o clock in the morning! I don't wanna talk about it. Just a tip, NEVER fly Frontier, it may be cheaper but it's a guarantee headache 😩 ANYWAYS  It's Monday and I wanna bring back a series on here called "Music Mondays" I love all types of music (which you will soon see) and I would love to share all the music I've been loving lately! I have so many albums and songs I wanna share but I'm going to pace myself. So I think it's only fitting to share with y'all songs I discovered in Chattanooga, Tennessee.  OKAY so first and for most is Elevation Worship and most specific the album "There is a cloud" Holy crap if you're a fan of worship music you have probably hear of them but this album is amazing! My favorite songs are  "Do It Again"  "None"

I'm Officially Unemployed.

So today's my last day at work. It hasn't fully hit me that I won't be back here yet. Who knows when it actually will. I'm nervous but excited. I'm nervous because I don't have a job lined up for me so I'll definitely be "Team Unemployed" for some time. I think I'm excited because I'm really gonna have to 100 percent put my trust in God to supply me the next job! I also have to trust in the fact that he wants the absolute best for me and that with his hand on it, it will be the perfect place for me. I've learned so much in the year I spent here. If you didn't know I worked at a daycare center and had a class of about 12 three year olds. Before getting this job I had never worked with kids at this level so I wasn't sure what to expect so to my surprise I loved it. I thought I hit the jackpot. I instantly fell in love with the kids and my co teachers were amazing! It was a life-changing experience. Of course there were days I want


WOW it's been 3  years since I've posted on here! I remember writing blog post and just getting excited to post different things for y'all and I want that excitement back so starting today I am going to be posting on here weekly! I have so many ideas for what I want to do with this so I hope you'll come along with me on this journey, it's gonna be a fun one! If you have any requests let me know, I'm all ears! Get excited cause I'm back baby!!!