I've Gained 15 Pounds!?

Working out and getting fit. We all wanna be fit or healthy or whatever it may be but the getting there or even starting is the hard part.  I personally never ever cared about being thin and I still don't but this past year I've gained probably 15 pounds and I'm the heaviest I've ever been. I'm not gonna lie, my confidence is at an all time low and honestly I don't even know how it happened. I mean maybe I do because I don't eat the best, and I only work out occasionally, but I've done that my whole life so why all of a sudden the weight gain? wellll I think it comes down to my metabolism slowing down. I mean I'm not an expert in this so I don't know if that's completely correct, but it's the only thing I can think of. My diet didn't totally change but my job did have breakfast, lunch and snack provided so I found myself over-eating almost everyday so I'm sure that didn't help much either. Anyways back to the point of this whole post, I want to be fit and healthy and confident again. So if you're in the same boat as I am, we just need to get off our booties and make it happen!! If we want something different, we gotta do something different! I'm mainly trying to motivate myself LOL I'm really excited to start this fitness journey of eating good and working out! I want to maybe post videos of my progress if you're interested in that let me know. I don't know I hope this is encouraging to someone who feels like I do and wants to get back on track to ultimately being healthy! I know it's not gonna be easy and I'm gonna wanna give up but I wanna feel better again and confident again so you gotta do what it takes! I'm up for the challenge! Comment down below if you're with me on this journey. I think I'll post a health series where I talk workouts I'm doing and what I'm eating so look out for those!! If you read this all the way through, I love you and talk to you soon
        xo Jade


  1. I am with you seriously! I have been in this same boat for quite sometime but it is hard when I an doing it by myself. Who says that being 2000+ miles apart can stop us from doing something together. We have always done things together since I have known you! Let's get it!


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