
Showing posts from September, 2013

"The Best Is Yet To Come"

They always say "The best is yet to come" for me that's hard to believe because i've experienced some pretty amazing things thus far. I traveled to places like Japan⬇ Portugal⬇  and Sweden ⬇ Not only this but I got to travel with some of the greatest athletes in the world! Yes, I traveled with the USA Womens Soccer team for one whole year and it was amazing! (If you wanna know more then let me know) I think it's great and exciting that I can only go up from here! Im so excited for my journey coming up and of course sharing it with you all! xx Sorry for the Sappy post! lol leave down request if you want. I can do reviews and things like that if you'd like.. Ok now I'm just rambling..    ta-ta         xx Jade

ARROW| TVobsessions

My NEW T.V obsession this week is Arrow! OMG it is amazing and if you've even seen an episode of this you would agree with me when i say that. It's very much action-packed so if you don't like that, then this show probably isn't your cup of tea, but to me it is pure goodness! It's about a guy named Oliver Queen, a billionaire who got stranded on an island for 5 whole years, the island changed him from the stuck up brat he was to an honorable "Robin Hood" who saves, and protects the city. There is a love triangle, because I am a sucker for those! So you do have some romance in the series, of course! check it for yourself and tell me what you think, I'd love to know and talk about predictions for season 2, airing October 7th. I'll be cuddled up to my T.V with popcorn watching! will you? You should. More to come hopefully from my TVobsessions series! Ta-Ta for now     xo Jade

Fall Nail Polish

So yesterday i thought it was a good idea to paint my nails so I decided to go for a more fall color because HELLO fall is practically here! I thought this was the perfect transitional from Summer to Fall shade! How cute is this shade?? Its Wet 'n Wild in "Undercover"  I totally recommend you go to your local drug store and pick it up because it is fab! xo Jade

What's on top of my nightstand!

I find it VERY important to keep things inside and on top of my nightstand.. don't you? just me? ok cool. Here's a overview picture of what my nightstand looks like, then I'll break it down. I'm real happy about how neat & organized it is *Pats back* I won't get into everything, but first is that Mason Jar.. here's a close-up ↡ it's a 2013 memory jar my friends & I made around New Year's time and it's filled to the brim of memories. I love to look back and read a few, its fun! Next! is my picture and quote collage right above my night stand that looks like this I just have motivational and inspiring quotes I wrote that I love and picture of the kids I used to nanny and a photo booth picture strip. This is probably my favorite parts of my room :) The last thing I'll touch on is the few brushes I keep on my nightstand. here I keep a few brushes and lip products! the rest of my makeup I keep inside so if you wanna see that,

California→Louisiana OR bust!

So I recently went to Louisiana for a cousins wedding and it was amazing! The not so amazing part was the 25 hour road trip to Ruston, LA. It was my parents great  sucky idea to drive vs. flying but we got there safely & got to look at this beautifulness   which was breathtaking so I can't complain! When we got there we were so happy to finally spend time with family a couple of days before the wedding started.. The wedding was BEAUTIFUL   it was the perfect country wedding and was worth all the traveling! I love these to people and they sure did not dissapoint with the food and the dancing! omg that was fun! Here's a picture of me and my sisters at the wedding⬇ I wouldn't trade it for anything. We were all so sad to leave when it was time to go but it's a memory we'll keep close to our hearts forever! see you soon Louisiana đź’‹ P.S how cool is this picture? thought i'd share :)