ARROW| TVobsessions

My NEW T.V obsession this week is Arrow! OMG it is amazing and if you've even seen an episode of this you would agree with me when i say that. It's very much action-packed so if you don't like that, then this show probably isn't your cup of tea, but to me it is pure goodness! It's about a guy named Oliver Queen, a billionaire who got stranded on an island for 5 whole years, the island changed him from the stuck up brat he was to an honorable "Robin Hood" who saves, and protects the city. There is a love triangle, because I am a sucker for those! So you do have some romance in the series, of course! check it for yourself and tell me what you think, I'd love to know and talk about predictions for season 2, airing October 7th. I'll be cuddled up to my T.V with popcorn watching! will you? You should. More to come hopefully from my TVobsessions series! Ta-Ta for now
    xo Jade


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