
Showing posts from 2014

Scandal Recap!

I don't even know where to start! First off what's up with Cyrus black-mailing Olivia, so shady of him!! But I mean Olivia does get the job done! Since we're on the topic of Cyrus, omg he's gonna get black-mailed from Ellen's wife, Portia, I don't remember her name on the show! LOL but the poor guy is just lonely, looking for love & other things ;) So was I the only one who thought Jake and Olivia were a couple? I was so confused when he moved out of her place and into a hotel, available for 'booty calls" weird. When Fitz asked for the room with Olivia, I just about screamed. They honestly are so good for each other, but so terrible for each other at the same time! I'm still keeping faith alive with that one. Lastly Mellie, poor Mellie. I loved her "I don't give a crap about anything" attitude last episode but in this episode it was sad to see her like that. I'm glad she got the courage to go to the speech, but I just about

Hello, October!

It's October!!! I've warmed up my coffee from earlier & I'm sippin on it as I write this post! Mmmmm SO alot of things happened in the month of september I wanna reflect on like, I got a job, hit 200 subscribers on my Youtube channel!, made some life-changing decisions, & became a coffee addict all in the month of September! You were great September & I'm expecting big things from you, October!! P.S I wish I lived somewhere that looked like the picture above! Wahhh xx Jade


So I've decided that I wanna write on here every Friday and talk about scandal that premiered last night! So if you haven't watched it I suggest you watch it before reading this because I may give some things away, no promises. So OMG I've been excited for this season for so long, and this episode was fantastic! So I wanna say it starts off about 6 months after we saw Olivia Pope last, on a plane going only God knows where, and she's living off a deserted island with Jake and now goes by Julia and not Olivia. So weird, I know. That opening scene tho, holy cray was that steamy! Get it Jake! We shortly after finding out where she has been that Harrison has died and she has to go to DC to plan his funeral because he had no family. She finds out everything has changed, her team all went there seperate ways except for Quinn, who actually found Olivia  Julia. Huck works at a software repair shop, and Abby works in the white house. SO much is going on inside of the white hou

The First Day of Fall!

Fall is finally here!!! Granted as I'm writing this it's going to be 97 degrees today. poop! However I am so jazzed for it to cool down so I can wear my Uggs & leggings again! Fall has become one of my favorite seasons because its filled with football ( G O B R O N C O S ! ), over-sized sweaters, adorable little kids dressed up at my door, pumpkin everything and beautiful leaves in all different but beautiful shades. Fall be good to me!

Hart of Dixie ▷T.Vobsessions

Welcome back to another TV obsessions blogpost where I rave about a show I've been totally obsessed with! Today we're gonna talk about a show I absolutely love called "Hart of Dixie" I was recommended this show by Netflix, actually. LOL It was rated really high, so I said why not? I became so obsessed with this show! It's basically about a New York City doctor named Zoe who moves to a very country Bluebell, Alabama and it's a cultural shock to her at first but I think she grows to love it as time goes on. She works there and meets a very handsome but engaged George, sadly BUT shortly after him comes a very country, free- spirited Wade so there's a little love-triangle action! I'm personally TEAM WADE!! Juicy things happen each week & it's just a great show filled with drama and romance so if you're in to that sorta thing then check it out on Netflix! Okay Thanks for reading & catch ya next week! xx Jade P.S. I even got my mom ho

Coffee is ma life!

I have literally been drinking coffee so much recently! I can't get enough of it, sometimes, like today, I'll 2 cups! It's become my daily ritual every morning & some afternoons to have a cup of Joe, as they say! I wanna I guess give a shoutout to the specific coffee I've been loving! Its by the brand Kroger & it's so much cheaper than most keurig cups that you see at Target or somethin'! These are $5 for a pack a 12! Can you say "SCORE" and they're tasty :) You can get them from your local discounted grocery store! Do y'all like coffee as much as me? Let me know in the comments! or tweet me @Jadejarina! I'd loveeeee to talk to you! Okay bye, I love your butts xx Jade

DIY State Glitter on a Canvas!

Hi Guys so I've been seeing this everywhere and it seemed simple to do so I'm gonna walk you through how I did this! The things you'll need- A canvas, Mod Podge, An outline of your state, a sponge brush, a pencil & GLITTER! Okay so step 1 is trace your state onto the canvas. What I did was on the back off the paper I traced around my state really hard with my pencil, getting as much lead onto the paper. Then I turned the paper (what I just traced facing down on the canvas) and just outlined the state with your pencil pressing really hard and it should transfer! ➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤▷▷ Step 2 is take your Mod Podge with a sponge brush and start gluing & putting down glitter! I did little sections at a time It should end up looking something like this when you're done! ▽ Okay so now you have to let it dry for 2 hours! So in the meantime I Watched the Shaytards with milk & cookies :) Okay now back to business! Step 3 is to take so

Music Monday

Hello, when was the last time I did a Music Monday?? haha I love music, so I'm just gonna suggest some music to y'all as well as leave my spotify account below if you wanna check out different music and playlists I've created on there! :) So first for my hip-hop lovers out there, there's a great new song called "Don't tell 'em" by Jeremih ft. YG it's got a great beat! Definitely a pre-club song to get ya in the mood to turn up! I've had this song on repeat!!! Next song is more of a pop type song but still has a great beat! it's called "Shower" by Becky J I'm not sure if its new but its fantastic! Summer song for sure!! Last but surely not least is a song by Sam Smith called "Latch" the acoustic version!! The original song is great but the acoustic version is just the best, personally! Sam Smith is just amazing so anything he puts out is music to my ears! I hope you enjoyed this Music Monday! Don't forget

Jamba Juice Smoothie

Howdy y'all I was makin a smoothie like I always do and decided to change up the recipe and I am so glad that I did! It tastes straight up like Jamba Juice so I had to share the recipe with you guys!! If you do try it out let me know how it goes, tweet it at me!! :) Love Y'all & Happy smoothie makin' xx Jade Ingredients -hydrated chia seeds -frozen strawberries -frozen watermelon chunks -banana -Orange Juice

Saturday Mornings

Happy Saturday to y'all!!! I feel like I started my day off right, and I'll tell you why. I woke up this morning & made myself some french toast, OMG it was so delicious! It's one of my favorite breakfast foods. I mean how good does this look!? I sprinkled powdered sugar on top with some fresh strawberries! yummmmm  BUT not only was my french toast tasty, but The Cosby Show was on & I LOVE this show, I honestly can watch this show for hours and it was just to icing on my cake to a beautiful morning. What are you guys up to today? Anything fun planned? Hope you had as good of a morning as I did! love y'all to the moon & back xx Jade


Hey Guys! So I went to the mall yesterday & got a few things, not enough to make a video, so I decided to show y'all on here what I got! I went to 2 stores H&M and Forever 21 <3 Okay the first thing from Forever 21 I got is a basic black tee! I think it's a staple & basic piece every     girl show have in there closets! (I'm even wearing it as I type this post..hehe)   $8.80 Next thing is probably my favorite!!! I am obsessed with these type of shorts! They are comfy, and cute and perfect for summer!! I love the pattern, super adorbsss $14.80 And lastly from H&M I got an accessory! Its a charm anklet!! I've been on the hunt for a cute anklet like this one so I was so happy to snatch this up. Again, I think it's perfect for summer $5.95 Thanks so much for stoppin' by the blog today! I hope you enjoyed this mini haul & don't be shy, hope to see you soon xx Jade

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mother's day to my mommy, I love you. I appreciate all you sacrifice for me, you mean so much to me! You're the best <3 Happy Mother's day to ALL the mommies out there, you make this world go round!

My Experience in KC!

Hey guys so ignore the elephant in the room that screams "You haven't posted a blog in months!" I do apologize, I want to dedicate more time to this blog because I do love it! It's my promise to put up a blog once a week *Scout's honor* ANYWAYS If you guys didn't know I moved to Kansas City for about a month and half for work, I'm a nanny. Where do I even begin? I went into this whole experience with an open mind but let's be honest I've nannied for 2+ years, so this should be a cake walk, right? Wrong! The baby I watched was 8 months old, the cutest thing but he was SOO much work! With that being said it was harder than i anticipated. I felt like I was on call every hour of the day, so I didn't really have time to myself for more than a few hours. It was exhausting, and I was counting down the days till I was gonna be home to sleep, and sleep some more. On top of all that I spent Easter in an airport, because we traveled a lot! & I missed

My Nails

Hey guys long time no talk! Today I wanna talk about my nails, because I'm completely obsessed!! SO these are acrylics (I wish  my nails naturally looked like this) & I wanna say the name of the cut is called "Rounded Almond" I honestly don't know because I just went to the salon with a picture of what I wanted done and they did it for me. Funky acrylics like mine are so "in" right now and I will stress that if you're on the edge of getting them done; DO IT!! You will love them, I promise. I will be a full-time nanny soon (I talk about it here→ ), so I will be getting them off soon but it's been a wonderful experience! That's it for now, talk to you soon!             xx Jade

Gossip Girl| TVobsessions

Okay so I've been watching Gossip girl for  a couple weeks now on Netflix and boy am I addicted! It was one of those shows were it was, at first hard to get into, but once I hit season 2, I said goodbye to any and every social interaction. SO many things happen each season, but every season ends with a juicy cliffhanger that has you begging for more! I personally am obsessed with Chuck and Blair. I am on season 5 of 6 and the progression of their relationship is just beautiful and unlike any other relationship on the show. If you don't know what the show is about well that's sort of complicated but I'll try to explain, its about wealthy teens who live in the glamorous parts of NY but with money comes a lot of drama! It's a must watch if you wanna have a lazy day or week. There's 6 seasons so hurry and start NOW, and don't say I didn't warn you when I said it was addicting!   xx Jade

2014 x New Year

2014, I'd be lying if I told you that I'm not terrified of those four numbers. The new year can mean so many different things; new beginnings, false hopes of resolutions and thinking that because it's a new year that everything that happened last year will magically disappear. I always have high hopes for the new year, so this year I decided to make realistic goals! Goals I know I can achieve and be proud of this time next year. Last night we did something really cool that we hadn't before & I wanna share, we wrote on a piece of paper things we wanted to leave in 2013 and right before that clock struck midnight we BURNED them! It felt amazing!! I won't go into detail with some of the things but just to name a few I wanted to leave my laziness, and my constant worrying of the future. This is something that I wish everyone would do, it's empowering. I pray this year is good to me, Last year was rough. Some goals I wanna accomplish are things like: being consis